Weitere Informationen
Cover Version Nein
GEMA-Frei Ja
CD/MP3 Alben 2
BPM 135
Dauer ca. 117 min.
Explicit Lyrics Nein
Kursart Aerobic / Cardiotraining, Functional Training, H.I.T.T. / Intervalltraining, Toning / Fatburner / BBP
Genre Drums / Tribal, House / Deep House
Percussion paired with Deep House stands for a clear beat and timelessness. This CD draws on all the key factors that is needed for an interval, functional, athletic or circuit training to motivate the trainees and to drive to maximum power. The perfect training tool for your classes. Percussion Interval was produced in cooperation with SLASHPIPE® and ROBINSON® and natively supports the formats Power Slashing Interval and SLASHPIPE® Circuit Training. Intervals: CD1: 4x45/30; 5x45/15 CD2: 5x30/30; 6x30/15; 9x20/10
Ab 26,90 €
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