Weitere Informationen
GEMA-Frei Nein
CD/MP3 Alben 2
BPM 132
Dauer ca. 156 min.
Explicit Lyrics Ja
Kursart Crossfit / Athletic, Functional Training, H.I.T.T. / Intervalltraining, Sling Training / TRX, Tabata
Genre Charts Hits / Pop, Drums / Tribal, House / Deep House
The perfect tool for any sweaty interval, tabata and workout class! Also suitable for all forms of circuit training, high intensity interval training and outdoor training. Mega hits like "Giant", "Piece Of Your Heart", "Empire State Of Mind", "Game Of Thrones" etc. All in powerful, exclusive remixes with exact announcements, where the stress and where the rest periods are! A warm-up and stretch complements this non plus ultra training tool and leaves nothing to be desired! On top there is a flood of training exercises with the top coach Arne Derricks as videos in the bundle. CD1 Interval: 4 x 30s Power / 15s break Interval: 4 x 45s power / 15s break CD2 Warm-Up / Mobility phase Interval: 3 x 60s Power / 30s break Cool Down / Recovery Advantage of this compilation: a coach counts down to one, starts the exercise with "Work", announces the breaks / rest and announces the rounds - that motivates and helps to persevere!
Ab 27,90 €
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