Aqua Fitness

Aqua Fitness

In order to accompany your aqua fitness training with music, you will find the right music to support you during the individual or group training and to make sure that every aqua gymnastics lesson will inspire your participants.
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  1. Classes
    Crossfit / Athletic
  2. Genre
    House / Deep House
  3. BPM Range
    > 140
  4. Royalty Free
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With the MOVE YA! Music you emphasize the flowing and lightness of the element water and at the same time use the powerful and rousing quality of your aqua fitness units like aquacycling, aquawalking, aquadancing aquaboxing, and much more. The BPM range is located so that your participants have the opportunity to perform the movements well. Our MOVE YA! compilation tip: MY! PM Happy Fitness Workout + Aqua Power #1